OMG week 3!!
We are almost there! In just a few days you'll be able to look in that mirror feeling stronger knowing you just finished 21 days of an ABSolutely amazing challenge! Now that you feel your abs, it's time to make sure you can start to see them too! If you haven't downloaded your Hot Body Meal Plan,today is the day. You won"t believe the changes you'll start to see in the next 4 weeks!

Day 14 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
#LSFMadeItMonday #LSFrollcall
Check back in with a babe who shared their goals with you last week and motivate them to pushhh it to the end! Then, share a story with your final 3 goals for the challenge!
Day 15 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
Turn it up and share your fave song from our June Sweat Jams Playlist!
Day 16 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workout on Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
Mid-week treat! Whether it's from the Guiltless Guide, Hot Body Meal Plan, or blog (psst, have you tried our new Breakfast Bowl?!), we want to see it, be sure to tag us! It can be as simple as an LSF coffee!
Day 17 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube and do it 2x!
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
Thirsty Thursday! See a chug, send a chug! Grab your water bottle and drink up! Tag some babes to remind them to stay hydrated! I know we say it ALL the time, but staying hydrated is SO key when it comes to losing weight and seeing serious results.
Day 18 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime

Feature Friday! We are SO close! Share a pic with your updated CTCT calendar and tag us for a chance to be featured on the @TeamLSF story!
Day 19 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
Let's make some LSF approved substitutions this weekend! Swap out that bun for a lettuce wrap, or beer for a vodka soda (or any clear mixer!). Check out all Katie's tips and tricks here.
Tomorrow is the final day of our CTCT #LSF21in21 Challenge! I can't even wait!
Day 20 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime

How are you self-caring today? We challenge you to take at least 30 minutes for YOURSELF today and tag a babe in your post to inspire her to do the same. If your BF asks why you've been in the bathtub for 3 hours… #TeamLSFMadeMeDoIt.

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