crop top week 2. Oh hey week 2! YOU GUYS! Seeing all your posts while I was recovering from getting my wisdom teeth pulled was the best thing EVER!
I'm all caught up on the challenge now and can't wait to kill it this week with you! Each day is a new opportunity to show ourselves just how strong we are and I know this week is going to be your moment to do just that! Get ready to celebrate because you're about to crush some goals, girl!
Day 7 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
#LSFMadeItMonday #LSFRollCall
Share your top 3 #LSFMadeItMonday goals for week 2. Tag a babe or two in your post to hold you to your goals throughout the week! #GoalGetter

I'm answering alll your questions about intermittent fasting right here.
Day 8 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
Are your abs on FIREEEE?! Same. Grab one of our free Crop Top Crunch Time phone wallpapers to keep you inspired 24/7, even when your abs are burning. Share a screenshot! ?
Day 9 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
Happy Hump Day! Sleep is so, so key when it comes to weight loss, especially when you start to hit that mid-week slump. Gotta avoid those hangry feels! Check out Katie's top tips to get a better night sleep and share which ones you're going to implement in your night routine!
Day 10 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube and do it 2x!
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
Thirsty Thursday! You know the drill. See a chug, send a chug! Grab your water bottleand drink up! Tag some babes to remind them to stay hydrated!

Here is your June Sweat Jams Playlist to keep you motivated, so grab your CTCT calendar, bestie, and get those abs popping! Start listening.
Day 11 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
Guys, it's not just any Friday. It's National Donut Day. Share how you're getting in your sweet treat without getting off track! Pssst… try our #LiveGuiltless Donuts!
Day 12 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
Happy BEST FRIENDS DAY!! Grab your bestie and crush that sweat sesh! Whatever it is (CTCT ab moves, Daily 10, run, walk, swim), we want to see it, so don't forget to tag us! Bonus points if you're in your LSF gear!
Day 13 Crop Top Crunch Time + LSF App Workout + Daily 10 in the App
Don't have the app? Downloadnow or try this workouton Youtube.
#LSF21In21 #LSFCropTopCrunchTime
How are you prepping for the final week of CTCT? Scheduling in your workouts? Prepping your meals? Laundry? Share in a post!
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