Bring Your Booty Back From The Dead

Since the LSF BOO-ty Challengeis almost here, we need to talk about something. Your butt.


Your booty can't come to the phone right now…

You're like "Whaaaaaaat?"

I'll say more.

Dead Butt Syndrome sounds made up, but it's totally legit.


We have 3 major gluteus muscles that make up our booty and when the gluteus medius stops firing the way it's supposed to, you're left with what's commonly known as "Dead Butt Syndrome."


It happens when the muscle isn't engaged and worked regularly. It's definitely more common if you spend hours sitting during your day, but if you don't take time to activate the gluteus muscles before a workout, you can end up with a dead butt that way, too. Your glutes might be your largest muscle group, but without the right attention, they just get lazy (But like….same).

Don't worry.

I'm about to break it all down for you.

Activate your glutes with this quick resistance band workout! How to get a bigger butt in just a few easy steps with your booty bands. Do the LSF BOO-ty challenge at

First of all, your gluteus medius' role is to abduct and rotate the leg, but it's also there to to support and stabilize your pelvis during walking. If it isn't firing like it's supposed to, it means the supporting muscles have to work overtime, which can cause lower back, knee and joint pain.

Most of us walk thousands of steps each day and, because it is such a crucial muscle for walking, if it's not firing properly, everything else has to work even harder to compensate. If you have weak gluteus medius muscles, you are going to have to make a conscious effort to wake them up and rebuild strength! It's key.

The below exercises all aim to target the gluteus medius muscles, while some also will work the gluteus maximus and gluteus minimus giving you an all around amazing workout and wake that booty up!

I recommend doing all 5 exercises each day or as a warm up before a legs & booty workout. Do 15-20 reps of each and be sore you hit both sides. If you consistently work to strengthen these muscles you can avoid dead butt syndrome and even help to reshape your beautiful booty!

Bridge Hip Lifts

Place feet hip distance apart and press heels into the floor. Tuck pelvic and press hips toward the sky engaging your glutes. Lower to hover & Repeat.


Come onto your side with your knees bent. Keep your ankles together as you squeeze and open your knees.

Lateral Leg Raise

Bend one knee and lean into it, keeping your weight in that heel. Flex your foot and squeeze your glutes to lift your opposite leg out to the side.


Donkey Kicks

Start on your hands and knees. Engage your core drawing it up and in towards the spine. Keep your gaze down at the ground and flex into your right foot. Keeping the knee bent, engage your glutes and squeeze to lift and press your heel toward the sky. Lower back to starting with control and repeat.

Donkey Kicks

Start on your hands and knees. Engage your core drawing it up and in towards the spine. Keep your gaze down at the ground and flex into your right foot. Keeping the knee bent, engage your glutes and squeeze to lift and press your heel toward the sky. Lower back to starting with control and repeat.

Activate your glutes with this quick resistance band workout! How to get a bigger butt in just a few easy steps with your booty bands. Do the LSF BOO-ty challenge at

While all of these can be preformed with just body weight, I recommend doing them with a resistance band. Adding bands will be the fastest and most efficient way to activate and strengthen all the muscles in your glutes!! These one are my fave.So go full Walking Dead mode on your glutes and bring those puppies back from the grave! It's the spookiest Halloween workout of all?? OOOOOooooooOOOOOooooo (that's a ghost).

The BEST thing you could do for your booty? Sign up for the two week LSF BOO-ty Challenge! We're focusing on building that booty up and looking amazing before you get that costume on, girl. Sign up here?

Booty challenge fitness workouts

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