Fitness community. Summer Shape Up 2018 is going to be insane. We've got some tips & tricks for you to be the ultimate LSF babe!
Biggest challenge yet. Best prizeever.
Getting involved with #TeamLSF is everything, and we want you to get the most out of this amazing fitness community. Plus we want you to have the best shot at our amaze Grand Prize…a little something we like to call a free trip to MEXICO!
Take your before and after pics.
This is so huge, and that's why we talk about it all the time! We have detailed instructions here, but the biggest thing to know is this: we want to be able to SEE your transformation! That means it's super helpful if you are wearing the same clothes in the same place, with the same lighting. Also, don't try and take these photos in your baggiest sweats — if we can't see your transformation, we won't be able to tell how hard you worked. It's also important to show your face. It's hard, but it's important! Own your journey, put a smile on your face, and be proud of the journey you're starting. Take a look at some AMAZING past transformations…

Download your perfect plan
Katie created the plan after losing 45 pounds and completely making over her lifestyle and now you girls can use it too! It's the best way to get big changes aka an amazing transformation pics aka the best shot at a trip to Mexico? If you're ready to live your healthiest, happiest life and become stronger and more confident than the Summer Shape Up Series is the perfect time to officially join #TeamLSF and download your plan. Wondering which plan is for you??? We've got the bullet points.
Katie's workout plan is designed for all fitness levels to get you started and keep you going strong each week to push past plateaus and keep you progressing. You can literally do them ANYWHERE, in less than 30 minutes and don't need any equipment.
- No equipment needed
- Less than 30 minutes
- Design to burn fast, build lean muscle & push past plateaus
Whether you're idea of cooking is ordering take-out or you love getting creative in the kitchen, the Hot Body Meal Plan is perfect for you. It's simple, straight-forward step by step meals are flexible and easily adapted to your lifestyle. Katie worked with a nutritionist to design this plan to…
- Boost your metabolism
- Burn fat & Build lean muscle
- Fuel your workouts
There's a vegetarian versiontoo!
Live Guiltless Nutrition Lifestyle + Recipe Book
The Guiltless Nutrition Guide will change how you look at eating clean.Like it's actually really good!It makes meal prep EASY, gives tips for eating out and has over 110 simple and delicious family friendly recipes you're gonna LOVE. This is a great option if healthy living is your main goal.
Pssst..did we mention she also gives you super simple ways to curb cravings?Seriously a lifesaver with all these summer parties!
- 110+ recipes to nourish your body…and some desserts & cocktails too!
- Easy meal prep
- Tips for eating out & traveling
- Curb cravings and splurge smarter

Check In every day
There are a few reasons why we recommend checking in on social media each and every day. First, it keeps YOU accountable to yourself! Next, it helps you find other babes to help keep you on track. Finally, it shows us the girls who are the most excited about Team LSF, and we LOVE that! If you don't want to post these check-ins on your personal page, go create an LSF Instagram account (instructions here) and follow @TeamLSF and @Lovesweatfitness.
It's important that we can SEE your posts, so make sure your account is not set to private. Also, make sure you're tagging @TeamLSF and @Lovesweatfitness in all your posts, and then using the following hashtags in your caption: #LSFSummerShapeUp #TeamLSF #DailyRollCall
Turn on post notifications!
Throughout the challenge, who knows what kind of bonus point opportunities we might throw at you…so it's important you see LSF posts ASAP when they go up! Go turn on post notifications by going to the @lovesweatfitness + @TeamLSF Instagram pages, then click on the "…" in the top right corner for both. Then click on "Turn on post notifications" and you should be all set.
The more you engage with @TeamLSF, and the more you engage with other LSF babes, the more we will see you! The more you post, the more it will motivate you to keep going. Plus, it helps us get to know YOU!
Being the ultimate LSF babe is all about finding new BFF's and supporting other babes. Get out there and spread the love- join our fitness community!
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