Best New Fitness Classes. Over the last few weeks I've had the chance to start checking out some of the best new fitness classes
I can't even believe all of the suggestions I got from you girls. Pole Dancing class?!? Yikes! Hahaha. I haven't mustered up the courage to try it out yet, but I have to admit those women have some mad strength! On a side note, I'm also not sure if my sweaty little palms would be able to hang:) Don't worry though…I'll definitely be taking some action shots if I ever make it to one!
I kinda feel like the Bachelorette right now, but instead of searching for a man, I am trying to fall madly in love with aworkoutthat challenges me and fills my soul with happiness(haha). My goal is to find a class that I can make a part of my permanent schedule, there are just so many choices! Some of my favorites so far have been; Mega Reformer Pilates, Buti Yoga and Kickboxing. It had been years since I took a kickboxing class and it was SO awesome! I felt like such a badass with those hooks and kicks!

That being said, I have to tell you, my absolute FAVORITE class I've tried recently was at Soul Cycle! Holy Moly. Talk about getting in the zone! I know there are a lot of similar studios out there, but when those lights went out and the music started, I suddenly got some mad energy and was ready to kill it on the bike! The instructor was insanely motivating as well. She was like a motivational speaker who would except nothing less than your best. It might sound crazy, but you feel that shit in your soul. haha. Even thought it's an individual activity on your bike, you feel like you are part of a team. The other riders sweat flying at you is like little bits of confetti cheering you on! If you are looking to take on something next level, this class will seriously "Lyte Up Your Workout" Luckily I brought two Propel Electrolyte water bottles. I downed one during class and the other right after. Rehydration Station! It was necessary. I walked away from Soul Cycle as sweaty as I do from heated yoga sculpt! Pony tail dripping! (Note to self: Bring extra clothes next time to change into after…The car ride home will be way more pleasant)I might just have to add it to my weekly sweat sessions.
Ok, so haave any of you tried Soul Cycle or similar classes? What have you been doing to Lyte Up Your Workouts?!?

This weekend I am heading out to Palm Springs for Splash House. It's a super fun music/pool party event where I will be teaching yoga sculpt poolside! It's not technically "hot" yoga, but since the forecast calls for 108 degrees, I'm pretty sure we're all going to be nice and sweaty. Tell you all about it next week!
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