SSU Prize Winner: Alicia Crow


Are you the person who always says they're gonna do a workout, and the entire day goes by and you realize you never got around to it?

What about committing to a diet. Ugh, right?

If you're that person, so was Alicia Crow. And then she found the 8 week Summer Shape Up challenge. This total babe worked with us for eight weeks using the LSF App. Add that, the LSF meal plansand supportive community, and you get stunning before and after pictures like Alicia. You can follow Alicia on Instagram @ac_lsf19!

When did you join #TeamLSF?

I joined TeamLSFthe last week of June 2019. I remember vividly going to a Pelvic health exam, being weighed and couldn't believe the number the doctor told me. I went straight to YouTubeand started searching "Healthy meals in a day" and Katie's video was the 4th video I watched (after seeing totally unrealistic videos of not eating much – ugh, hate that those popped up first! Makes it totally unattainable and girls will take that unreasonable advice!) I watched [Katie's video] "What I Eat in a Day | HEALTHY Weight Loss + Toning"and started to feel my spirit lift. She was knowledgeable, relatable, could tell this was her passion, and gave sound advice. I went to her channel and searched 'eat' and found myself binge watching her videos for a few days. It took about 5 days after that before I downloaded the LSF Appand became an official LSF Babe!

What motivated you to join us for #LSFSummerShapeUp?

I've been the girl that starts a 'program', works out, eats 'good' and stops after 1 week. Everything I tried never motivated me enough to stick around. When I found the LSF Appand learned there was going to be a #LSFSummerShapeUpchallenge, I knew in my heart, this was something I could accomplish. I knew it was going to take some dedicated work, but with Team LSF's support, encouragement, and enthusiasm, I was going to triumph! This was my first LSF challenge, and will NOT be my last!

Share some of the healthy habits you have formed during SSU:

I have several healthy habits now because of SSU, but there are a few paramount ones. One being, waking up HAPPY! I totally look forward to what the day will bring, knowing that I'm going to make the right choices for my body and mind. I can honestly say, I've never felt like this before. My mindset has transformed to such a thankful outlook, it's incredible and relieving! Another healthy habit (that Katie truly inspired!) was ditching the birth control. I've been on it for 15 years and her courage and testament is what pushed me to stop. I'm now approaching my second 'natural' period in just a few days, and the changes from being off birth control are extraordinary. Coupled with the workouts, the change in diet, I feel like a completely different person. Like the person I was MEANT to be. While I have attained many physically healthy habits, it's these that have fascinated me the most.

What's your favorite part about Team LSF?

My favorite part, hands down, is the support and non-judgemental space that you all have created for us girls! I feel safe and appreciated. I'm looking forward to every single challenge that Team LSF will be putting on from here on out! While this was only my first challenge, I can see how girls have stayed with the community for a long time. You bring fresh, fun ideas to the table, and I'm thrilled with what's to come!

Alicia's 8 week Progress

Alicia Crow SSU19

What's the worst thing that can happen if you challenge yourself to a healthier, more fit lifestyle? Maybe you get off track and you get discouraged. But then, what's the best thing that can happen? You get to show off your awesome inspirational photos, just like Alicia! Keep sweating it out and working hard girl, and you WILL see incredible results! More amazing Summer Shape Up '19 transformations to come!

Alicia's 6 month progress (July 2019 – January 2020)

Alicia Crow progress

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