how to stay organized
Happy, happy Thanksgiving, my babes!!!
I am so incredibly grateful for you all. 2020 has been a wild ride but it hasn't shaken this amazing LSF community at all! I'm insanely thankful to have all of you to keep me focused and to give me so much support. Thank you for being THE BEST!
I hope you're having a wonderful holiday today, whether you're celebrating with your loved ones virtually or in person.

As you settle in after what was probably a major meal, it's time to get those Christmas songs pumping. It's so fun! I'm known to jump the gun on Christmas a little bit, but once Thanksgiving is here, there's no stopping me. Holiday season is in full swing now!
But if there's one thing I always find myself wondering during the holidays, it's how to stay organized. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE this time of year. But it's definitely a hectic one, right?
And in a year that's been ultra-weird, you might not even have your normal holiday traditions to keep yourself on track. If you usually knock out a bunch of your holiday shopping in person with Black Friday deals, you're probably going to need to pivot this year.
Since I've been wondering how to stay organized, I've been rounding up some tips for myself. And I wanted to share them with you all, too! Here's what's been helping me stay on my A-game this holiday season.
#1: Make your gift list now
Let's talk not about how to stay organized, but how to get organized. This is where it all needs to start.
It's officially gift shopping season, girl, so get on top of it! Seriously, find ten minutes today and make a list of everyone you buy gifts for. Don't forget your friends, aunts, mailperson, and coworkers. Really rack your brain to make sure everyone ends up on your list. Need some ideas for gifts? Check out my gift guide video and blog post.
Then, designate an hour sometime in the next few days to do a big gift-list brainstorm. You'll be amazed at how much you can knock out in just an hour! You don't need to buy anything here, just write down ideas for everyone on your list.
If you can get your gift list done before December 1, you have 24 whole days to buy those gifts one by one. Suddenly, holiday shopping is no-stress!

#2: Keep a budget
Part of the reason I think we all wonder how to stay organized is that when we don't, our wallets hurt. Last-minute gift shopping and travel booking can cost you a pretty penny!
My tip is to make a holiday budget. As you work through your gift list, put a budget by each person's gift. I know it's tempting to go over, but keep yourself on track and you won't start the new year with a savings account that feels crunched.
Same goes for holiday travel. Set a budget and stick with it! Booking your travel early and setting up fare alerts for cheap prices if you're planning to fly can help. I have a total budget guide in my Holiday Survival Guide!

#3: Use your planner
I know that even with the best intentions right out of the gate, this time of year gets busy. And it's all too easy to misplace your gift list or your budget tracking tool.
That's why I like to keep everything in one place with my LSF Planner. Seriously, if you're wondering how to stay organized through the holiday season and into the new year, this is my #1 tip.
Having a planner where I can keep everything important in one place has been so huge for me! It's amazing to have a single source of truth. That way, if you get a great gift idea at a random time, you can jot it down and you know you won't lose it. Or if someone asks you to a Zoom holiday happy hour, you can quickly check your calendar so you don't double-book yourself, adding holiday stress.
And why stop there? Get organized for the new year, babe! Once you get in the habit of using a planner, it's life-changing.
And guess whaaaat? We just launched our 2021 #GOALS Planner and it's so cute and so functional! I know you're gonna love it.
#4: Set aside a couple of holiday chore days
Pull out your planner or, if you don't have it yet, whatever else you use to keep a calendar. Now, block off two days.
They could be any days during the month. Just make sure you book them solid so you won't schedule anything else.
These are your days to do holiday chores. Need to make cookies to share with your neighbors? Bake on this day. Need to get your presents wrapped? This is the day for it. Need to order some last-minute things online or fix the light bulb that went out on your holiday decor? You guessed it: use this day!
The holidays always come with a bit more work than we expect. Having time set aside to catch up can make you feel extra organized and calm through the season.

#5: Schedule you-time
Figuring out how to stay organized is important. But figuring out how to protect yourself from getting exhausted is even more important! So it's time for another calendar exercise.
Pull up December and put a few blocks on your calendar that are just for you. Use them to take a bath, get in a longer workout, catch up on sleep — whatever you need, girl! Staying organized is a whole lot easier when you're not exhausted.
You've got this! With these tips, this will be your best, most organized holiday season ever.
Happy Thanksgiving, my LSF babes!!
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