Healthy tips. Healthy, Happy You (And How To Get There)
As we wrap up the first week of the New Year, I know you girls are still crushing your goals for 2018 (I mean, have youseen #teamlsfon Instagram!?) but as the year continues, we all know how easy it is to fall short of the resolutions we've set. Never fear! I'm here to help.
I'm here with 5 failsafe ways to have a healthier, happier you this year (because yousodeserve it)!
The LSF Lifestyle Makeover Plan is Your Roadmap
Right now is the perfect time to jumpstart your body and mind to set yourself up for success with 2018 as the best year ever. The best way I know how to do that is with the LSF Lifestyle Makeover Plan. (Seriously, I tried everythingggggg. Nothing worked. Until this.)
This time of year, everyone focuses on eating clean and working out — which I am all about — but the reason so many people fall short of their goals is they set them, but don't change their life around to support those goals. Without making true lifestyle changes, you're setting yourself up to fail! And we don't want that, girl! So listen up. These 5 tips will help you rock your resolutions in 2018! (I've written posts about setting goalsand resolutionsso if you're just coming out of the holiday fog and ready to rock the New Year, it's not too late!)
1. Clean Out Your Physical Space
Seriously. Take a few minutes, a few hours, whatever it takes, and clean out your space. There's sciencebehind what a clean space does for your mental health, plus if you've set health goals, you don't want to sabotage yourself by leaving junk food around. So set aside some time, turn on some music, and make it fun! Clean out that closet, your office, your dorm room, or pantry. Put away the holiday decorations. Or be ambitious and tackle the whole house! Whatever it takes. Get it done and I promise you'll feel refreshed, renewed, and restored.
2. Clean Out Your Mental Space
Same decluttering principles apply to your mental space as your physical space. Set some time aside to reflect, clear your head, and get rid of the things that aren't serving you. Throw away that negative self-talk you've held onto all these years. it's only holding you back. Sit down and really reflect. Have a conversation with yourself and discover what mental clutter you've been holding onto and release it.
A great way of doing this for me personally is through yoga. And this one below is one of my faves. Release all that negative energy in your brain with a little help from your body, and you'll be unstoppable!
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