fitness challenge. We almost made it through the holidays, and now it's time to crush it in 2019.
A whole new LSF fitness challenge like never before!

Do you have your game plan? Do you know what you're going to do to make this year different than years past? What you're going to do to make sure show up every single day to work on YOU? Join the Free 21 Day Challengewith TEAM LSF today!
Back when I was starting my own weight loss journey, I know my answer would have been no.
So this year…we're doing it together. We're going to start 2019 so strong, because we're going to break the craving cycle AND build a daily exercise habit as a team.

♦ A free 5-day detox plan to kick off the challenge(this will be sent out to you AFTER the holidays!)
♦ 21 days of daily workouts TOGETHER!
♦ 10 minute daily workouts – so simple! Microgoals, babe.
♦ All new healthy lifestyle videos to help you stay motivated
♦ Daily Motivation & Advice to FINALLY make your new habits stick!
♦ Mini Lifestyle & Motivation Challenges Each Week
♦ HUGE prizes!
So on January 2, we're starting a mini-detox together! 5 days to focus on breaking your cravings and detoxing from the holiday craziness. Then, take your amazing new nutrition habits and build a daily exercise habit with the LSF Daily 10. That's IT, girl. Committing to 21 days of moving for 10 minutes a day. Sounds like nbd right? WRONG. This is going to change your life. You can totally be one of those girls that works out every single day!

Don't miss this one! Sign up right here, right nowto get your exclusive Refresh in 21 pre-challenge Detox kit!
- Everything you need to know to crush the R21 challenge & see the body transformation you're looking for.
- Katie's FAVORITE detox recipes
- Our best tips for staying motivated and mastering up your habits for good
- What are you waiting for?! It's your time to shine. Sign-upand get ready to kill it in 2019 with all your #TeamLSF babes!
We want you to ENJOY the holidays! So we will be sending out the official detox guide just before the challenge (starting January 2!).

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