Resistance band workout for abs
Complete 3 rounds of the exercises below for an incredible resistance band workout for abs in under 15 minutes!
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Russian twists x30
Begin in a side forearm plank with shoulders stacked over the elbow and resistance band around the thighs just about the knees. Engage your core and drive your upper knee toward your chest as you reach your arm and pull your elbow to meet the knee in the middle. Repeat.

Bicycles x40
Lay on your back with the band around your thighs and just above your knees. Bring your hands gently behind your head with your elbows out wide. Bend your knees to a 90 degree angle and engage your core. Lift your shoulders off the mat and extend your left leg out long to hover as you twist your right elbow to your left knee. Switch sides and continue alternating right to left.

Side plank crunch x10 each side
Begin in a side forearm plank with shoulders stacked over the elbow and resistance band around the thighs just about the knees. Engage your core and drive your upper knee toward your chest as you reach your arm and pull your elbow to meet the knee in the middle. Repeat.

Oblique Jackknives x15 each side
Start on your right side with the band around your ankles. Bring your legs a few inches in front of you and press into the band to create resistance.. Exhale, engage your core and bend at the waist as you lift your legs and left arm to meet in the middle. Lower to a hover and repeat (same for left side of the body).

Mountain climbers x40
Start in a full plank position with the band around your thighs, just above your knees. Drive your right knee toward your left elbow then step back to starting. Repeat with your left knee to right elbow and try to move from left to right as quickly as possible.
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