I saw a post about this the other day and about died.
The latest body trend…thethighbrow?!? If you haven't heard about it yet, you will, but don't go look it up on Urban Dictionary….that definition is different andnotsopretty.

Elle.comjust put out an article about the rising thighbrow (or thigh brow) trend and describe it as "a set of folds that frames the tops of the thighs and separates leg from butt." Yep…it's that spot you've probably always tried to hid while sitting in a bikini, but not anymore!
I guess the return of the frong is to thank for the thighbrow trend.Don't worry, your not alone. I had to look it up too!Then I realized I've actually worn one! ( Baewatch swimsuit at Splash House)
AFrong(aka:Front-Thong) is basically the old school Jane Fond leotard with super high cut front and sides. There've been tons of celebrities like Beyonce and the Kim K rocking them lately both poolside and at the gym.

I have to admit, I'm actually kinda into this trend. Not that you should start rocking frongs all day long, but think about it… This is something mostwomen have. I don't care what size you are, you can own that thighbrow. If the thighbrow means girls will stop obsessing about trying to get a completely unrealistic thigh gap, then bring it on!
Nothing drives me crazier than body "trends" that are basically impossible for people to obtain.Thigh gapsare number one! Thigh gaps have less to do with how fit you are andwaymore to do with genetics. It's like trying to get that giant Kardashian butt. Why??? I could squat all day every day and eat a million grams of protein and never have a booty like that! And am soooo ok with it.
Exercise, eat clean and takethe best care of YOUR body you possible can! That's whyI'm ok with the thighbrow. What ever shape or size it comes in, that little crease is totally just a natural part of every woman's body.
Do you have a Thighbrow? Do you like the look? Let me know your thoughts below
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