Weekly Workout Schedule


Weekly workout schedule. Weekly schedule. Hello March!

This month is all about honesty. And it's no accident that we focused on self-lovewith our Lots of Love Challengethe entire month of February. Start off withlove for yourself and you will find the change when you arehonest with yourself.You can (and need to!) do both.That's where that real change happens… the kind that lasts!

The Guiltless Nutrition Guidemakes it so simple to jumpinto the healthy life you deserve! If you're ready to make REAL change, setting attainable, but challenging goals is key. You've got tohonestlylook at where you, as a the incredible unique and totally awesome babe you are, are at RN and what it's going to take to get you where you want to be!

Start Your Healthy, Happy Lifestyle TODAY!

Get 15% OFF w/ code:keepitreal

This Week

Each day you'll have a set of exercises or a video to complete and your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout for that day.

The daily workouts are a great bonus to add in to challenge your body even more!

Post your #LSFMadeItMondayinspo on Instagram.

weekly workouts, daily workouts, weekly workout schedule, free workouts, workouts for women, at home workouts, no equipment workouts

First things first…

If you didn't do this over the weekend it's time to have some real talk,answer the below questions to kick it off…

Answer these questions with the realness that only comes from loving yourself — it's only by acknowledging the truth that we are able to make the unhealthy areas of our lives thrive.

  • How many workouts are you getting in per week?
  • How much sugar do you eat every day?
  • Are you honestly tired at the end of your workouts, or are you taking it a little too easy?
  • How long are you able to go without stopping on LISS days?
  • What is your average water intake?

Flat Abs

Workout Time (15 minutes)

Video 1x + optional HBSGW2D1


Toned Arms

Workout Time (10 minutes)

15 reps each + optional HBSGW2D2

weekly workouts, daily workouts, weekly workout schedule, free workouts, workouts for women, at home workouts, no equipment workouts

Hold Plank 1 minute

lsf  workouts

Bye Bye Belly!

Workout Time (30 minutes)

Video x1 + 20 min LISS Cardio + optional HBSGW2D3



Workout Time (25 minutes)

Video x4 + optional HBSGW2D4

Pump the jams & get your HIIT on!

Best Songs to Run a 10k



Abs + Booty Barre Bootcamp

Workout Time (20 minutes)

Video 2x +Optional HBSGW2D5


Freakin' Weekend!

Spring Into Daylight Savings Time Like a Champ!

Tonight we spring forward an hour. Longer days, later sunsets and all the spring feels are here, but there can be some not so fun side effects from the time change too?Not to worry though… there are SUPER easy ways to take on spring like a champ. Checkout Katie's top tips to get you ready for spring.

Workout Time (30 minutes)

LISS Cardio +Optional HBSGW2D6

Get outside and do something you love! Grab your favorite fit babe and hit a class you've been meaning to take, go for a hike or a long jog on the beach. Just get your body moving and have fun doing it!

Active Rest Day

Stretch it out babe! + optional HBSGW2D7

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