Weekly Workout Schedule


Free workouts. Can you even believe it's already been 8 weeks since New Year's? So crazy right!?

We're starting week 8 of the Hot Body Sweat Guide and I couldn't be prouder of you girls! Every day you sweat your way through your HBSG workout you are getting that much stronger. This week isn't the end for you! When you finish week 8, restart the guide! This time increase your weights, add on a round or two and hit those bonus workouts! You'll challenge yourself in new ways and continue to shed fat and sculpt and shape your body!

This Week

Each day you'll have a set of exercises or a video to completeand your Hot Body Sweat Guideworkout for that day.

The HBSG is the most effective workout plan available. Whether you started it with me on January 1st or are just getting going, do your HBSG as your main workout for each day. The daily workouts are a great bonus to add in to challenge and change your body even more!

Post your#LSFMadeItMondayon Instagram.


Workout Time (15 minutes)

Video 1x + optional HBSGW8D1


11 Amazing Quotes to Keep You Motivated

To make it even easier to stay motivated, here are 11 quotes that will totally inspire you– one for every day through the end of the month!Save them to your phone and read them whenever you need a boost this weekHere's one of my faves…

Tank Top Arms

Workout Time (10 minutes)

20 reps each (with or without weights) + optional HBSGW8D2

Hold Plank 1 minute

Work it!

Workout Time (30 minutes)

Video x1 + 20 min LISS Cardio + optional HBSGW8D3


Radical Self Love!

You know what it is… but I bet you don't practice it often enough! So let me break it down for ya… it's reminding yourself that you're worth it, every second of the day. That your needs deserve to be met and your passions pursued. That your body, your mind, heck– even your life, areenough. Read more…


Booty & Abs

Workout Time (15 minutes)

Exercises 15 reps each + optional HBSGW8D4

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Bye Bye Inner Thigh

Workout Time (10 minutes)

Video 1-2x +Optional HBSGW8D5


Abs on Fire

DoExercises15x each +Optional HBSGW8D6

Workout Time (10 minutes)

lots of love, weekly workouts, love, challenge, at home workouts, workouts for women, weekly workouts, sweat, exercises, at home exercises, daily exercises for weight loss, lots of love, weekly workouts, love, challenge, at home workouts, workouts for women, weekly workouts, sweat, exercises, at home exercises, daily exercises for weight loss, lots of love, weekly workouts, love, challenge, at home workouts, workouts for women, weekly workouts, sweat, exercises, at home exercises, daily exercises for weight loss, lots of love, weekly workouts, love, challenge, at home workouts, workouts for women, weekly workouts, sweat, exercises, at home exercises, daily exercises for weight loss,

Active Rest Day – Yoga + Cardio

Hold Each Move for 3 slow breathes + 15 minutes of LISS cardio walk + optional HBSGW8D7

Cat Cow Pose
Downward Facing Dog
Crescent Lunge Rotation
Warrior 2 Reverse Warrior

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