Top 5 Foods To Debloat


Foods to debloat. Foods to debloat. With summer quickly approaching, many of you are looking for ways to get your bikini body ready.

One of our worst enemies as women is the dreaded belly bloat. Bloating is caused by water build up between the cells in your body and is usually a result of what you're eating. Poor digestion and excess sodium can cause inflammation and make that belly puff up, leaving you feeling completelyblah. Luckily, there are some simple ways to de-puff and feel amazing so you can rock those bikinis and crop tops this year. These are my top 5 foods to debloat and help get you ready!

debloating. lime green bikini on beach for spring slim down, TOP 5 Debloating Foods To Get You Bikini Ready

1. Wake Up With Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar helps your body reach a natural alkaline pH level. It's full of vitamins and minerals that cleanse your liver and intestines. One of the best parts about it is that it aids in digestion, de-bloating and weight loss. Boom! I've got to be honest and tell you it can be a little tough to swallow, but the honey will help and it's completely worth it.

My Morning Kick

2 Tbsp. ACV

1 Cup Filtered Water

Try adding these too!

¬Ω Tsp. Raw Honey

Juice of 1/2 Lemon

Sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper

2. Eat "Fatty" Foods

Don't let the "fatty" fool you. It's all about eating the right fats that your body will use instead of store. Foods like Salmon, avocados, walnuts and flaxseeds are SUPER high in Omega 3 fatty acids. So, eat up ladies! When consumed regularly, these Omega 3's will help reduce inflammation and can aid in overall weight loss.

3. Drink More Water

While chugging a gallon each day might be seem a bit aggressive, upping your water intake will make a major impact on your body. Many people think that since the bloat they have is water being stored, they should drink less of it. This isSOfar from the truth. Water flushes out the toxins in the body that are causing you to retain it. When you hydrate the body, it no longer has the need to hold onto excess water, allowing you to lose the pooch. Make sure to drink at least 2-3 liters of good old h20 every day and watch your belly bloat disappear.

4. Ditch The Dairy

Although you may not be lactose intolerant, the enzyme lactase in dairy is hard for our bodies to digest. Basically, your body gets really angry at you on the inside and puffs up to stick it to you on the outside. The digestion process causes inflammation, gas and bloating. Not fun! The exception to this is yogurt with live/active cultures. The good bacteria from the probiotics in yogurt can actually help to decrease inflammation. If you want to ditch it all together though, just add a good probiotic capsule each day and you are good to go!

5. Get Your Fruit On

Many people avoid fruit when they are trying to limit their sugar intake, but there are certain fruits you should consider keeping around to help your belly relax. Papaya is one of the best-kept secrets when it comes to de-bloating. Along with all of its awesome vitamins and minerals, papaya contains an enzyme called Papain, which aids in digestion and reduces inflammation (and helps keep things moving so your belly can stay flat).

While there are many other natural ways to help you slim down for summer, these five simple tips are on the top of my list. They can easily be added into your daily routine, which means you will be more likely to stick with it and see results!

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