The Only New Year's Resolution You Should Make


New years Resolution. The biggest thing I've learned in the last five years since losing 45 pounds is that slow and steady really does win the race.

You truly can make anything happen if you have a clear plan and the support of a community like TeamLSF to get you there!

The Only New Year's Resolution You Should Make, new years resolutions, new years goals, fitness, workouts for women, free daily workouts, how to stick to your new years resolutions, resolutions, new years goals

This time of year people start to reflect, freak out and trying to change everything in their life. That's not a great way to start off the year friends.Serenity now…

That overwhelming feeling comes from making giant crazy goals that usually end up seeming completely unattainable. You get frustrated, discouraged and boom… New Years Resolution over.

resolution. The Only New Year's Resolution You Should Make, new years resolutions, new years goals, fitness, workouts for women, free daily workouts, how to stick to your new years resolutions, resolutions, new years goals

The truth is, most of the time it's totally avoidable and your dreams are absolutely possible. Most people just don't know where to start or how to make realistic goals they can stick to. It's not always easy, but if you weren't meant to be challenged to change and grow, you wouldn't have those dreams in the first place. It doesn't matter if you're looking to lose weight, switch jobs, move across the country or just try something new your dreams are valid and you are totally worth it.

The key to turning your dreams into reality is simple if you plan it right. And while it might not happen overnight, with the right tools and mindset you will grow, create new habits and eventually realize your ambitions or find something better along the way.

resolution. The Only New Year's Resolution You Should Make, new years resolutions, new years goals, fitness, workouts for women, free daily workouts, how to stick to your new years resolutions, resolutions, new years goals

This year, the only New Year's resolution you should make is to be the best version of yourself. If that means changing your workout routine, diet,or job, ok- let's do it! If it means spending more time alone, reflecting or with your family playing, go for it. Know what you want, have a plan and start making it happen.

3 Simple Steps to Reach Your Goals

Step 1:Know What You Want

Or at least what you think you want.You might not know exactly what life will look like when you decide to take the leap, but you need to have an idea of what you want it to be. Can you picture yourself healthier? Traveling more? Rocking a bikini or working your dream job? If you're nodding along right now, then you've already taken the first step.

Having a clear picture of what you want will allow you to begin to create the plan to get there. Take the time to brainstorm, and picture, and write down all of your objectives.

Step 2:Have a Plan

Ok, now that you can see it, how are you going actually do it? It's not enough to just say "I'm going to do ____." You need to build a plan to make it happen and the best way to do that is by settingSet micro goals!

Micro goals are small goals you set for yourself that help you reach your larger goals. We all want to fee good, especially when we're making changes that can be challenging. Big goals usually leave your feeling anxious and upset because it can take a long time to see results. Micro goals allow you to get that sense of immediate gratification. You see your hard work paying off quickly, and that gives you the motivation and drive it takes to making changes.

When you're setting your micro goals it's important to keep your current lifestyle in mind. Yes we want to make changes, but if you set a goal that is completely unrealistic, you won't stick to it.

Set smaller, more attainable goals that will allow you to really start to see just how strong you are.

Set smaller, more attainable goals that will allow you to really start to see just how strong you are. Start with one thing that seems a bit easier and add on from there.

Step 3:Take Action

Now you have the plan and it's time to put it into action. There are two key things you MUST do if you want to be successful in totally crushing your goals. One, you absolutely need to track your progress and two you need to treat yourself. It's important to periodically check in and hold yourself accountable. Journaling and having a support system—whether family and friends or an online community – are great ways to do that.

And he best part about micro goals is that you get quick and consistent gratification. Those small, attainable goals give you reasons to celebrate and you should! It will be different depending on your goals, but make sure you do something to reward yourself for reaching your goals that week!

Whether your dreams are big or small, the only New Year's resolution you should make is to learn to set micro goals. They will be an absolute game-changer for you in every part of your life and help you live your best life with TeamLSF in 2018!

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