What's In My Gym Bag?


Gym gear Gym gear. I get so many questions about how to stay motivated and get the best results.

Well….one of the most important things that I think can cause you to make it or break it is being PREPARED. I mean…this literally applies in every aspect of life right? If you aren't prepared, the likelihood of you being as successful as you might hope is pretty low. For me, one of the easiest ways I set myself up for success is by packing my gym bag with all the essentials. This way I have no excuses to skip a perfectly good gym sesh.

I wanted to give you all a little peek into my world and see what's inside my gym bag. These are the things I think are numero uno when it comes to getting my workouts in! Some of them are your standards like shoes and water, but I think a few might surprise you.


Don't forget to checkout my YouTube channel for tons of great workouts you can do from home too! Click Here

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