A New Kind Of Fitness Goal


Setting fitness goals. "Fall is my FAVORITE season," says every girl once September hits.

A New Kind Of Fitness Goal, fitness goals, workouts, daily workouts, free daily workouts, goals, health goals, travel, explore, lifestyle,

I'm not gonna lie, I love summer (sunshine, bikinis, frozé, etc. etc.) but fall in Cali is pretty special. It's when the beaches are finally rid of all the tourists and locals can actually find a spot on the sand. The sunsets are the most incredible colors and, although it's still really warm, the nights cool down enough for perfect sunset beach runs. This fall I'm setting a new kind of fitness goal and I want you to too!

I was traveling so much this summer and didn't really get to enjoy summer in SoCal, so I set a new goal for myself this fall:To take time each week to explore where I live. It's funny how much you miss when you're constantly looking around you rather than focusing on what's right in front of you.

I am a traveler at heart, but I want to take that same curiosity to help me find new places and have new experiences in my own back yard.

No matter where I go I always find that exploring through fitnessis the best. I know, of course I would, but it's 100% true! You get to see more and do more on your feet! Plus, you usually stumble on places most tourists would never find. I've partnered Kohl'swith again to get all my gear for these new adventures. They basically have everything you could possibly need for any kind of adventure so it made it super easy.

A New Kind Of Fitness Goal, fitness goals, workouts, daily workouts, free daily workouts, goals, health goals, travel, explore, lifestyle, A New Kind Of Fitness Goal, fitness goals, workouts, daily workouts, free daily workouts, goals, health goals, travel, explore, lifestyle,

This weekend Ryan and I packed up to head to the beach for some yoga, but instead of going to our normal spot, we decided to just park somewhere random. We got out, walked around a while and stumbled on a trail. A trail only a few feet from my "normal spot", but one we didn't know existed!! We hiked the short distance to the cliffs just in time for sunset and… I mean,these views! This was the first of many of these little adventure we plan on taking.

A New Kind Of Fitness Goal, fitness goals, workouts, daily workouts, free daily workouts, goals, health goals, travel, explore, lifestyle,

It seems so basic. Like "what's the big deal? You went somewhere new." But it IS a big deal. It is so easy to just do the same old –same old. There's comfort in knowing what to expect. You don't have to think about it, it's easy and convenient, but where's the fun in that? Just like with your fitness routines, if you want to grow and change, you have to step outside your comfort zone.

A New Kind Of Fitness Goal, fitness goals, workouts, daily workouts, free daily workouts, goals, health goals, travel, explore, lifestyle,

That doesn't mean you need to go skydiving or do something super extreme in order to feel adventurous. It could be as small as taking a new path on your jog or finally starting the Hot Body Sweat Guide, but those little changes you make physically have a huge impact on you mentally.

A New Kind Of Fitness Goal, fitness goals, workouts, daily workouts, free daily workouts, goals, health goals, travel, explore, lifestyle,

As we sat watching the sunset we chatted about how crazy it is to think just months ago we were sitting in Greece,in awe of the Oia sunset when this was in our backyard the entire time.

xoxo katie

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