How To Self Care At Home


Self care at home. Self care is so important!

We don't want you to forget to give yourself some love, so we put together our fave ways to self care RN. Take a peek, pick one, and relax!

Start a gratitude journal

It's easy to focus on the negative during this time, but we're switching our mindset to focus on the positive! Grab your Day Dreamer Journaland write down everything you're grateful for and why.

Light a candle

Soooo many scents, sooo many options! Relax and unwind with your fave scented candle

Take a nice hot bubble bath

We know you ladies have been sweating it out with your LSF Appworkouts and need a little recharge! Find a calming scented bubble bath and unwind

Make some tea

Get cozy and enjoy a cup of tea before bed! One of our all time faves is Chamomile with lemon!

Read that book you've been wanting to

Now you finally have time! Sit down and read a good book, just for fun. Take a Netflix break and try something new!

Go for a walk in the sunshine

Gotta get that vitamin D! Get some fresh air, a change of scenery and enjoy the sunshine

Make a happy playlist

Compile all of your favorite happy songs and make a playlist! That way if you're ever down or need a little pick me up you have this waiting on deck

Clean + declutter your space

A clean and organized space will up your productivity! Add some new pictures or decorations and make it your own

Call a friend and catch up

Your besties are just a call away! Have your own virtual happy hour or watch a show together and do a weekly recap. Stay connected!

Binge watch a TV show

We all need a little Netflix time, amiright?? Find a show, pop some popcorn and enjoy!

Have a glass of wine

Or champagne, kombucha, sparkling water, whatever you want girl! Put it in a fancy glass and sip away

Put on a face mask

Probably the most DUH self care choice, but really, who doesn't love a facemask?! If you don't want to head out to the store do your own DIY mask! We have some ah-mazing face mask recipes in the Self Love Workbook– take a look!

self care

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