Bye 2015! Bring On The New Year's Resolutions!


New Year's Resolutions. This week is all about New Year's Resolutions, but I'm still trying to figure out how it's already 2016!?

Where did 2015 go?! It seriously felt like it just flew by! Anyone else? IT's kinda ridiculous how you can just blink and it;s another week, month, holiday and now year! Yikes. But it's also SO awesome because you get a big "REFRESH" button now.

I'm about a week late to the game with this, but since everyone is still saying "Happy New Year" I'm going to say I'm right on time!

You guys know I have the worst memory in the world. Thank goodness for social media otherwise I'd forget half of what I do.

This year has been incredible. It's techniqually the 2 year anni for LoveSweatFitness♥ I've loved watching the LSF community grow into an amazing support system and seeing you all make HUGE changes in your body and mind.

I started my YouTube channel this year which is kinda nuts. Thank you guys so much for all your likes, commentsand shares. It's so fun getting to workout with you every week! {We're going to make it happen in person soon!} YOU are what makes LSF such an incredible community and I freaking LOVE you guys!

ab workout, obliques, fitness challenge, lovesweatfitness, workout, new year

♥ New Years Idea! Get a NEW friend to join one of my challenges with youto help them kickstart their 2016 goals!♥

I know they'd love the 28 Day Dietbet Challenge. Lose weight & Win money… Who wouldn't be into that?

Ok, 2015….

Ryan and I have traveled more than EVER this year. I have a feeling it's just the beginning too! Our biggest adventures where the Cabo, Dominica, Anitgua & Barbuda, and then finally we wrapped up the year with Punta Mita, Mexico. Not to mention all the little trips we took along the way. #skymiles♥

If you follow me on SnapChat (LoveSweatAndFit) you got to see the bootcamp I taught at the Four Seasons Punta Mitaand all the fun we had, but I had to share again because, well, it was AMAZING! Definitely the highlight of the year!

You guys know I'm always looking for a little relaxation and a whole lot of adventure and we nailed it here. Delicious food, lazy river (with amphibious cocktail servers…. they literally serve you drinks in the pool!), water sports and beach bars. Sign me up again please!!

So let's chat MAJOR LSF happenings you can get excited about for 2016

LSF Hot Body Sweat Guide:

We've been talking about it for a while and I've been working on it for about a year now. I can't wait until it is ready to be released. This will be 8 weeks of exclusive workouts just for you! Get ready to sweat and watch your body transform in way you never though possible with my dynamic, at-home workouts! I will be launching the guide in early 2016!!

Bootcamps & Meet-Ups:

So this one is going to be fun! I want to spend more time with you girls in-person! I'll be letting you know where I will be and when I'll be there and need your help to share with your friends, family & community to get people excited to workout together!

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