Weekly Workout Schedule - Full Body Workout

Full Body Workout. Even though the Summer Shape Up Serieshas come to an end, we have tons more in store for you this year starting with this weeks weekly workout schedule.

You should be feeling strong, confident and super proud after the SSU and that's what will motivate you to keep pushing toward those goals. The most important thing to invest your time, money and energy in isYOU!

If you're ready to put yourself first and truly commit to your health and fitness, join#TeamLSFand grab your Hot Body plan. They're all you need to take that progress you've been making and turn it into a full-out LSF babe lifestyle.

New to the LSF daily workouts?

Read this first!You'll find everything you need to know about #TeamLSF, the workouts, daily check-in's andMONTHLY PRIZES!!

This weeks Weekly Workout Schedule is all about getting you ready to head back to school and the office. I know?… Summer may be winding down, but your workouts and all the fun we have together isn't! We're just getting started!

Before you start…. search #TEAMLSFon Instagram! Follow 3 new LSF girls and say?

Full Body Sweat

Checkout this NEW full body routine you can do before you start your day!

Back to School Morning Workout Routine

Back to School Morning Workout Routine

Keep those abs on fleek this fall!

Have you tried this recipe yet?

I like to mix up the filling with different veggies, but this is a MUST for a quick simple breakfast you can prep ahead!

spinach breakfast muffin

Spinach Egg Muffins

Easy, on the go breakfast recipe packed with protein!

Stop what you're doingI'm challenging you all to post a sweaty selfie on Instagramand tell us 5 things you LOVE about yourself! Writing them down and sharing them with your Team is the best way to remind yourselfYOU ARE WORTH IT!

Abs + Cardio


Do each exercises 15x + Spend 30-60 minutes doing LISS cardio of your choice

Checkout the Hot Body Sweat Guidefor more deets on what LISS cardio is and the best ways to work it into your routine!

Don't just work for the weekend. Work to live your BEST life ever single day! That is what LSF is all about and you deserve it! Get ready to pop that booty and celebrate life with the bubbly!

Booty Day

Donkey Kicks x 10 (Each Side)

Your week 3 workout schedule | Summer Shape Up

Sumo Squat x10

Week 3 Workout Schedule | Summer Shape Up

Fire Hydrants x10 (Each Side)

Week 3 Workout Schedule | Summer Shape Up

Do these moves right before bed. They're a perfect way to get an extra booty push in before you end your day!

Have you created your #TeamLSF Instagram account yet? Checkout your LSF Sweat Starterto learn how to start using it for yourdaily Roll Call check-ins. Maybe you'll be this monthsSweat Babeand win all the prizes!

Abs + Arms


Some Fridays we sweat so hard and this is one of them! It's a tough one, but I know you've got this girl! Just think… when you're done you can meet your girls for a fun night out and feel totally on point!

HIIT the Barre


Do two rounds of Barre Bootcamp + 2 rounds of this HIIT!

Start your weekend off with a quick lower body burn. Today we're going to tone an tighten up all those key spots: Abs, Butt + Thighs. Do this workout and then post on Instagram and share your weekend plans with us!#TeamLSF

Abs, Butt + Thighs


On Sundays, we get our unicorn rest.

Take today to RELAX. Allow your muscles to recover, but keep your body limber by going for a long walk, taking a hike or flowing through some yoga.


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